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What Clients Are Saying 


Sabrina Drexel, Washington 

Debbie was a phenomenal family coach! We were really struggling with our family home life with 2 working parents and 2 extremely active kids under 6. Debbie customized each session to our family needs and had thorough follow up. She continues to stay in touch even though we have finished our sessions. We truly value her thoughtfulness and she helped our family achieve a much happier equilibrium!!


Kristina Dunn Buchanan, Angwin CA 

I really enjoyed my time with Debbie. She gave me great insight to raising my girls, along with unlimited information on different areas of parenting. We worked on things like how to communicate as a family, having family meetings, behavior in the car, and age appropriate chores (which let me tell you there are way more things that kids can be doing around the house take the load off of mom). We worked on individual challenges that both my girls were having at the time, as well as obstacles I was facing. Debbie even gave me information and discussed issues I might face with topics that will arise with hormones, and teenage years. I enjoyed being able to sit in Debbie’s home and discuss extremely personal issues. I always felt comfortable and safe. She even made herself available if I needed to text or email or talk on the phone. I’d recommend everyone have a session with Debbie, if I could. Our children don’t come with owner’s manuals and it’s nice to be able to get advice and more tools in your tool belt. Debbie has helped my girls and I. In fact, just this morning in the car, my youngest reminded me that we should take time to have a family meeting so that we can all get back on the same page after our long road trip.


Jordan Bentley, St Helena

My husband and I really love working with Debbie. Her wisdom, experience and professional insight has been invaluable to our family. Debbie is very kind, and non-judgmental. She works to understand all angles of an issue and then works with you to create balance and restore harmony within the family dynamic so both parents and kids can thrive. What I love most is that she showed us how to make little tweaks to our family routine that made big positive impacts quickly. Thank you Debbie!


Amy Beaudine, St Helena 

Ms. Debbie Cossi has been working miracles with our family. If any of you moms and dads out there need support with challenging children I can’t recommend anyone more—total game changer. Debbie works wonders and is there for me day (and nights actually) whenever my mommy heart is breaking from frustration. She coaches on zoom and has been the most supportive, informative, generous and authentic person (I’ve needed more than I knew) to help me with Beau, and ultimately our whole family. I am no longer yelling at my son, my whole perspective has changed and I want all of you to join her brilliant forces!! Send her a message. We are not islands, we need people, and our children need us to have people too."


Erin, St Helena

"Every new parent, no matter how helpful their family might be, or how many books they’ve read, none of us come equipped with the deep reserves of experience that someone who is a true authority possesses. Debbie is that authority, and she has seen it all. Her coaching and guidance comes from a place of care, compassion, and from a clear vantage point. Parents struggle with weaning, with temper tantrums, toilet training and sleep issues, and often we are facing these issues while battling sleepless nights. Tear-filled struggles. Guilt for being late to work because of a particularly trying morning. Worry that we are not measuring up as parents. Debbie has a clear, judgement-free perspective, and can help you develop a plan based on what works, when you might be too overwhelmed to see the path clearly yourself. Her guidance and steady, warm friendship and support was everything to our young family in our two boys’ earliest years."


S.S, St Helena

Debbie was a huge support to me. She provided valuable advice and recommendations for parenting while never making me feel judged. We remain friends to this day and I'm so thankful for all that she provided for our family. "


Amy, Napa

"Debbie has a gift for establishing productive routines . We will always be grateful for Debbie helping us navigate our early parenting years with our children who are now all grown up and thriving. "


Mary-Robb, Wisconsin

"As parents, we value her years of professional experience. She became a trusted resource for parenting advice and support. Her family coaching services are invaluable to her clients. "


Elizabeth, North Carolina

"Debbie was our partner in navigating a multitude of childhood milestones, and she did the same for every family with whom she worked, deftly managing each family's unique culture. Debbie was the wise, calm, surefooted older sister I never had, always ready with a sympathetic ear and measured advice. She is simply the best "




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